Tongues of Fire


Lol i havent been blogging for so long, me takut to touch the computer, it's like a h0peless case! anyways im here at an internet cafe if you're wondering. dad said he'd get the new computer after he pays all the bills! that sounds like a long time!

but mannnnnnnn! lots of stuff have been goin on i could write archives and archives of it... so ok... i mostly would like to share an update on my spiritual life...

a few saturdays ago (ok i bet it was on 15th july, happy birthday to sultan..btw) i was up late praying to God in tongues when I heard His Spirit telling me... "Start praying every Sunday in church with the dancers, before the service" and i was like, ok! the next day, however, well let's just say i didn't initiate.. i found it difficult to tell the girls.. i got ashamed that i personally did not spend time with God for a couple of days.. but i finally got myself together and asked for His forgiveness... I told the girls about it and they agreed. The following sunday... he found a place uptairs and started praying... i have to admit i didnt "feel" like praying at the time but heck, this surge of the Holy Spirit came on us and it was just great. I was sooo glad we did it and couldnt wait to do it again.

it was the beginning.
the next wednesday, Angel told me that earlier that day she felt a heavy burden on her to pray for our church. that soon we're gonna have a revival. i wanted to cry cuz i've got the burden for months too, she suggested that the every thursday nights after dance practice, we pray. i agrreed. she asked me if i could fast too. i agreed again. and thought that... it was gonna be my first time fasting.

our first prayer meeting was soo great of course! we prayed straight for one another, for specific people that Angel had heard God's voice say, for sick people, and... our church. our desp

hey gtg times up continue nexxtime.


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