The Dream Ascends...

The Expression Mega Concert was awesome last sunday night. But if you ask me, I think I still prefer the previous one in 2006. I dunno... maybe it had something to do with the venue. The first two mega concerts were held in the Empire theater, but this year in the International Convention Center (or ICC) to accommodate a larger audience. But it still isn't half as pretty as the Empire Theater's ^___^ so yeah....

I haven't gotten her album yet (which btw is entitled "Together") for "lack of financial status" (Faris' words.) but I plan to soon and already asked tchr. Sheila to get it for me since they (the Expression teachers) get discounts.
I saw the album out in the shops already not too long ago. Here's one I saw at the new CD shop in Jln. Pretty:
Lily Chiam's debut album Together in stores
I'm proud of her ;)
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