a random day in my life...

I awoke to the tantalizing aroma of Indo Mee Goreng... yummm.

I decided to dodge taking a bath today... no plans of going out anyway.

I changed my mind... I need a shower! you never know..

I was pleased to see mom leave for a few hours out..

I practically spent the whole afternoon in front of the laptop...

I watched some TV as well..

Where's mom?? It's 7.30pm and I'm hungry! *raids the fridge for left-overs*

Mom and dad comes home bringing some flowers (for me?? no. it was for our house.) and tells me to get ready if I wanted to follow them to aunt Simone's (Davyson's mom) house...

Arrived in her house. It's big and spacey! Uncle Anton and his wife Popy, Jenny, Mag, Jaz, kuya Jay soon follows after..

Aunt Simone's husband (i forgot his name) greets us and they pop a DVD in for a Brazilian Evangelistic/Christian concert experience... wow!

I had brought my Bible and just realized we weren't gonna have Bible study, but rather a video presentation...

9.15pm - Jen, Mag, and Jaz left early... (they left me! boohoo..)

Had a chat with Davyson.. haha that was like, the first time I saw him soo talkative!

10.15pm - home sweet home..


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