I almost forgot i had a blog.

Okay, okay... Joyce has been bugging me to blog. so here! heheh the truth is, i have been deprived of a pc in like, months since the church laptop was transferred from my care to sumi's. what about your own desktop pc at home, you ask? well, it's still lying dormant in the dining room, i soo cant wait to get rid of it and have some cash in exchange =) in the meantime, i've been goin to internet cafes about once a week just to check my email inboxes and friend networkings and stuff. i didn't wanna spend those times in blogging!

At least i'm up and blogging now, with my dad's new laptop! FINALLYY. he came home with it yesterday. i've never sighed a huge sigh of relief. my internet-cum-online-ing-deprived days are over!!

But wait, i don't seem that much in a celebratory mood for that reason. maybe it's because, in the past few months i've learned to be content and actually found out i can survive without going online within a few hours. i have been broken-free of those chains! i had my eyes thank me for their resting vacation (apart from watching tv, arrgh!) in short, i passed the online-addiction test!

Now THAT'S a cause for celebration.

Topic change! :
  • i'm leavin for philly on the 15th. oh and about going to Johor Bahru for the youth camp... it didn't pull through. am sad, but that's alright. unless Jesus comes back, there's still a next year!
  • i am soo excited about going to visit the Doulos ship again! according to its website, mvdoulos.org, after visiting Brunei last 1-8 Nov (i shall document my 2nd time experience soon), it dry-docked in Batangas (that's somewhere south of Manila) for 3 weeks and then began for Manila on the 29th of Nov... it'll be there till the 26th of Dec! (my b-day?) yay so that means i could still get my hand on more books and stuff.. (like taking pics with some of the hott crew!) yes Shee Wai, i promise to recharge my camera batteries this time...
  • Getting used to Vista...

My desktop... i loveee the sidebar feature! and the new GUIs are amazing!

The window-switching is genius! as well as the taskbar window previews :)
  • Uhh, got to run now. later!


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