The night the planet shook... NIGHTS OF FIRE 2006 in Miri

A (somewhat) brief account of the Planetshakers (the Western Australian band, not the actual planetshakers you hear on the cd) concert last Sept. 5 - 6...
We saw a monkey on the way to Miri...

So we went to eat first and shop around before going to the indoor stadium at around 6.30-ish... which is an hour prior to the concert starting.... so yeah we got to sit at the 3rd row, stage front, behind Sherra and her pals who hogged the first 2 rows (and again, STALKers...)
I forgot who's the one holding the fone, but that's May on the right....
lady: ...yeah, he replied!
May: Err, can I have my fone back please...
During this time the band was rehearsing and soundchecking so I took advantage of the moment and took a couple of videos of them... here are some pix ;-
Matt Garner came on stage and we all couldnt believe our eyes... he looks different! He looked waayyyy younger in real life... I mean compare my pics with the poster above... is it not a big difference? Well, at least a GOOD big difference...
Anyhoo, he was real funny and always made an effort to adapt to the tongues of ze singlish/malaysians.... saying "LAH" practically at the end of (almost) every sentence... hehehe...
Here's him impersonating a fish while making kissing sounds... (that was because he commented on how we all look lovely tonight and that we should kiss one another... lol!) and that's Pstr. Hii (the malay interpreter) chuckling at his antics...
Another one was when Matt did a little skitty dance and then stepped aside and let pstr. Hii imitate... so he did a bit of a milkshake before saying, "Saya tidak tahu," hahahaha!
Then it was time for some serious jumping in the House of God... after that Matt shared a lil bit of the Word... then... AUTOGRAPHS TIME! =D
I have to say I was quite amused to see girls running up to Mark... I think he was sort of the soundchecker and camcorder guy... we also suspect that he's Matt's younger brother... so funny... one group of girls taking pics with him were quite short that the girl beside him asked to cut his height a bit... haha.. then he laughed and sort of bent his knees and slouched...
Finally it was our turn... a vely dull and boring formal pic... then pstr. Ramesh brought Sammy to him for a picture...
Hmm, what else...
- Angel, Jenny and I took a pic with Sherra
- I didn't bing my Evermore or Phenomena albums so I quickly purchased their latest - PICK IT UP, which is by far their best yet... the songs are infinitely powerful... anyway, I queued up and tried to take a pic of the autographs table where the band was signing... very crowded so I took a chance and shot the cam above everyone's heads... turns out that one of the singers spotted me doing that...

Got to the table! I (acting) nonchalantly slid the album to the first dude - the bassist, when after signing, slid the album next to the drummer... I swiped the cam from my bag and snapped a pic of them both which to my delight, turned out great...
we all agree that the bassist has "the lips" .
Actually when I tried to talk, I was tongue-tied that time... I think they also wanted to chat but hesitated seeing the line... but they did take the time out to chat to the younger kids... Oh, did I mention that I got [the singer who spotted me shooting up the cam earlier]'s email add? Lol I asked him to which he chuckled to himself, "This is the last time..." and I tell ya, I was the most relieved person on earth at that moment.
After the last sign, I took another quick shot of the autographs table. Ok, lemme introduce each member (starting from the first one who signed)
The bassist, the drummer, the singer (whose email I got), another singer, mister Matt Garner, and last but not least, the keyboardist (w/ sandy brown hair)
I went back to where Angel, Jenny, they all were waiting... turns out there were less people crowding around Mark now so I shot a pic of Sherra and Angel taking pics with Mark:-
Joined in with them resulting in crazy pic including an anonymous dude. Next I tried taking pic of Angel and Mark when the cam fell (hey I was juggling a lot of thingz!) triggering gasps from people and an "Ouch" from Mark (LOL!!).
Chatted with Mark....
Hannah: ...what’s your name anyway?
Him: Mark.
Hannah: ok... we're from
Mark: u mean with that guy? *points to where pstr ramesh was sitting*
Hannah: yeah..
Mark: ...yeah, his lil son Samuel is really cute..
Angel: Do u have email...?
Mark: Oh i don’t have internet. I’m old school *smiles*
Angel: Too bad... Are you still in school?
Mark: Nah, I’m not in school. I’m 20.
Hannah: *thinking fast abt other questions* er, u guys shud go to
Mark: yeah we've been to other places, like
Hehehe yeah that's all I remember...
The following day at lunch we ate at Giant's... when we spotted Matt and another guy (I think it was the singer) at the supermarket counter buying junkfood...
I attempted a 'papparazzi' and snapped a pic... turned out to be blurred! Arghh!
Moving on... we jalan-jalan after that... I dont exactly remember what I bought except for silver eyeshadow ^____^
So that night the concert was quite the same as the previous, but I am amazed to see soooo many people respond to the altar call... hundreds...
Time to go back...! We dint get a chance for another photo session! Nvm...
The merch (not including the bag) oh and the postcard's absent =p
Overall we had a GRAND time.... ^_____^
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