Let's pretend that I forgot to type in the subject.

We had a special guest yesterday night... Pstr. Benedict Rajan of Calvary Charismatic Center, Johor Bahru, Malaysia... I think he specialises in the gifts of healing... very nice and fatherly type who simply loves children...

Anyway, he preached about "Gratitude"... living in thankfulness..
"Gratitude is a God-honoring attitude... "
"Your attitude determines your altitude in Christ.. "
"Gratitude is the pathway to miracles..."
Instead of grumbling because you don't get what you want, be thankful you don't get what you deserve... (when Christ died in our place, for our sins) - Daily Bread

When we were being prayed for to receive the spirit of gratitude, I felt being filled like how water fills a glass and got overwhelmed.. and I realized.. I am IMMEASURABLY blessed... to think that I don't have enough makes me a fool! I mean, having all the essentials in life; food&water, clothes and shelter... I have more than enough, in fact it overflows! I'm well-fed and perfectly normal, with perfectly normal-working organs and blood pumping through my body, who am I to neglect myself and all the things I already have? Once, I even complained that we had too many things in the house, that I wanted to throw some away!

Anyhoo, Later, Madz, Angel, Jenny and I were hanging around at the back while people came up to the front to be prayed for healing. Then Jen's mom called her up to go too so she went. Oh my, while pstr. Ben was praying for her she was shrieking and struggling. Angel and I were thinking that she was being tormented spiritually or something, because the same thing happened during our singing practice last saturday that Melv had to rush her to the hospital, along with Madz and Angel. Witnessing what had happened, I was dumbstruck because I didn't know what to do, except pray. Well, in the end everything turned out alright and Jen was fine.

That wasn't the end of it unfortunately, because near the end of the girls and I performing our special dance number "Soldier" (again), I heard a thud on the floor and turned around to look. Jen had collapsed! Madz and Angel were trying to get her up from her unconsciousness, so yeah. It was scary. I dunno, but I think there's this spiritual battle going on inside of her. But I pray that whatever it is, she will be delivered.

Most of you guys probably didn't know that Jen was diagnosed to having a cyst in her tummy last November, to which she had to undergo surgery. Thank God for the successful operation. She had to refrain from doing anything active for 6 months though.


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