
Showing posts from May, 2006

A peek at my journal....

Whilst in the midst of my own world You called out to me So loud , so clear . Made me stop in my tracks Oblivious to everything around me... I stood there gazing Wondering, " What is this? " So simple a phrase, yet so strong a meaning.. You said, " I love you, and I always will... " My head is spinning , my soul ablaze Could this be true? He died for me , for y ou , for all ? Despite our transgressions , through faith and confession ... He makes us His? Love beyondd reason. (c) 2006 Hannah P.B.S.

The Basic Difference between Christianity and the world's religions is this...

As a Hindu I was drowning in a large lake and I did not know how to swim. The religious leaders and gurus came by and gave me lectures on how to swim. Confucius taught, "You should have followed my teaching and then you would never have fallen," Mohammed advised, "Allah wills whatsoever he wills." Buddha came by and said, "It's all an illusion in the mind, change your mind and you will change the problem." Krishna came along and said, "It's your karma that you have fallen into the lake. You deserve it." Then Jesus Christ came. He did not give a lecture or some good advice. He said, "I have come to seek and to save those who are lost," and He came right into the lake and lifted me out of it and changed my life and put a new song in my heart. The song writer captured my sentiment when he wrote; "From sinking sand He lifted me, with tender hands He lifted me, From shades of night to plains of light, Oh praise His name, He ...

Making up for loss time....

The tongue is an amazing tool of the human body, regardless of its small size. Having said that, according to the Bible, the tongue can be like the tiny spark that would eventually create a forest fire. What comes out of one's mouth can either lift up a person's spirits or tear down another's. What you say can be the difference between life and death. Remember the story of the first ever twin brothers - Jacob and Esau. Esau despised and gave up his birthright just to temporarily satisfy his hunger at that moment, saying, "What good is the birthright to me?". What a loss! Well, what I am trying to say here is that I'm really grateful for my parents. Many times I've felt underappreciated and overlooked but their encouraging words despite my many failings touched me such that i was in tears last lunch =) God gave me a little miracle last Friday. The day before, my english teacher asked me if I would like to present an impromptu speech for the next day in the ...

Ahhhh I'm sucha bad blogger I haven't updated in AEONS!

Lemme think back on what's been happening... I went to Expression Music's mega-concert last 30th April in the Empire theatre... actually I thought I was going to be in the audience but then my mom suddenly informed me, "You're going to usher," USHER!! I cried. (Not in a way I would if I saw the artist though) I wouldn't be able to watch the show then! Hah but it was alright in the end, quite fun actually. I ushered at the left side of the theatre with Jascintha, tita Sheila, Brice, and Victor. Man, we stationed at our positions around 6.30 or 7pm I think (after we ate backstage), and the people just came pouring in! I thought, why do they all have to be on time? lol 'cause some people just breezed past us, thinking that they know their seats very well, but after some time came back to us to clarify. But others were really nice though, and may I say, a tad bit excited (like me =D). The concert was amazing of course! I took a ton of pics. I couldn't stan...