I know I haven't been updating much, but there's one thing I can promise...
Well, my dad's getting a new computer (finally! The pc i'm using now is incredibly slow! that's one reason why I don't blog often... hey at least my patience was stretched over the time) and I plan to sort out the files I want to discard and those I want to keep so I could transfer them to the new pc. After that I'll have to download certain programs such as an antivirus, spybot, ad-aware, etc.. so as to prevent what this pc has suffered ;) And of course! Mozilla Firefox! " 'Internet Explorer users can be as much as 21 times more likely to end up with a spyware-infected PC than people who go online with Mozilla's Firefox browser,' academic researchers from Microsoft's backyard said in a recently published paper," reports Gregg Keizer from TechWeb.com I'm telling you, if it wasn't for my bro's installation of MF, I would've never been able to browse the web, needless to say blog. Because IE is so slow and virus-prone, it now ...